


Foot Files: Verrucae



A Verrucae is a, non-cancerous, growth of excess infected skin on the foot caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This is normally harmless but the overlying hard skin on weight bearing areas can become uncomfortable to walk upon.


What do Verrucae look like?

The most common appearance of a Verrucae looks like a small cauliflower shaped growth with black dots in the centre, the black dots are the small blood vessels that feed the infected skin. Some maybe larger and in other cases there maybe many clusters of Verrucae.



General Advice

Your skin is a barrier and it is essential to keep it healthy and intact.

If you suffer from dry skin use a moisturizer daily.

The use of surgical spirit to keep feet dry if you are prone to sweaty feet.

Wear Flip-flops in gyms and swimming baths where the virus is normally picked up.

Wear swim socks in swimming baths to prevent the spread of the virus.

Avoid touching the Verrucae as it is contagious and can spread to other area of foot.

See a Podiatrist for further information, treatment and advise.


Contact Details

Kieran Beenick Bsc (Hons) Podiatry.

HCPC Registered.

Member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.


2 Bakery court, Market Street,

Ashby de La Zouch,

Leicestershire, LE651AN


Tel: 01530 414576
